06 52 63 36 43 canyoning.po@gmail.com

Canyoning Pyrénées Orientales


Family canyoning Pyrénées-Orientales

1 hour from the seaside resorts of Barcarès and Leucate, come and discover the Galamus canyon.

Go to the Corbières at St Paul de Fenouillet to discover the Galamus gorges, this route will allow you to enjoy the exceptional site of Galamus. A fault of a hundred meters through a limestone massif.

Canyon where all the difficulties can be circumvented but many jumps and some slides will be on the course to satisfy the most daring.

Sports canyoning Pyrenees-Orientales

1 hour from Perpignan and Canet, come and discover the Llech canyon. Reserved for athletes who like jumps and slides.

We suggest the Llech gorges in Prades, this descent is in the top 5 in France. On the program more than ten jumps and slides, the largest of which are 8 meters and 3 abseils. Be careful, this canyon is sporty, its steps are long and difficult.

canyoning llech

Canyoning activity in Pyrenees Orientales

This activity consists of going down a stream, to cross the various obstacles (waterfalls, slides, jumps, natural swimming pools). You will be required to jump, swim, walk and abseil. Canyoning is open to children from 8 years old and from 39€.

Several courses are possible, canyons for the family and children. Also sports courses with large slides, jumps and rappels.

Depending on your location, we offer canyoning in the Aude or the Pyrénées-Orientales.


The Pyrenees Orientales canyoning team

CPO outdoor activities is a group of two independent guides, we are based in the Pyrénées-Orientales, in the Fenouillèdes. We offer to guide you in canyoning through exceptional natural sites near Perpignan.

Discover courses suitable for everyone, sports canyons (Llech canyon) for EVG, EVJF (bachelor party) in search of sensation. But also easy canyons for a discovery of the activity ideal for families, between friends or for CVL and sports clubs (canyon Galamus).