06 52 63 36 43 canyoning.po@gmail.com

Canyoning Aude and Pyrénées-Orientales

Rafting/Canyoning/ Via ferrata Hydrospeed Canoe in the Aude and the Pyrenees Orientales

Canyoning in the Aude

Canyoning, a refreshing activity that consists of descending a river on foot. You will have to swim, jump, abseil and slide on the natural slides. We offer different practice sites from 8 years old.

canyoning toboggans

Rafting on the Aude

Rafting on the Aude is an inflatable boat that can accommodate 8 people. Accompanied by a rafting guide, you will be propelled into the rapids of the Aude on a 12 km course through the gorges of St Georges and Pierre Lys. Departure of the rafting is in Axat and the arrival is in Belviane village before Quillan.

Via ferrata in St Paul de Fenouillet

The via ferrata in St Paul de Fenouillet 66220 consists of following a route laid out on a cliff using a ladder sealed in the rock, a rope bridge and a zip line.

Canoeing on the Aude

Go on an adventure of the rapids of the Aude through the gorges of St Georges in Axat or go on a rental on a much calmer course in Limoux

Hydrospeed or whitewater swimming on the Aude

Using a foam float and flippers, you set off accompanied by a guide on the rapids of the Aude.


The Aude canyoning team

First of all, CPO (Canyoning Pyrénées Orientales) is two guides Nicolas Rousson and Julien Picot. We are both graduates of a State Diploma of Youth of Popular Education and Sport specializing in sports development mention canyoning. Finally, we also have a state patent in canoeing and associated disciplines (rafting, hydrospeed, whitewater swimming) and a state patent in climbing (climbing, via ferrata and via corda).

With our experiences on different massifs (Alps, French Pyrenees, Spanish Pyrenees, Corbières, Cévennes), we have therefore chosen to settle in Languedoc Roussillon. More precisely in the Pyrénées-Orientales and the Aude between Perpignan and Carcassonne to enjoy its many canyons. Our playgrounds are the Gorges de Galamus in St Paul de Fenouillet 66220 and the Clue de Terminet in Termes 11388. But also the Llech canyon in Prades 66500 and the Anelles gourg in Céret 66400. Whitewater activities (rafting, hydrospeed, kayaking, canoeing) take place between Axat 11140 and Quillan 11500, on the Aude.

Canyoning Pyrenees Orientales

The canyons of the Pyrénées-Orientales and the Aude are very well known by practitioners, in particular the Llech canyon (pronounced “yek”). Canyoning llech happens to be in the top 3 French. Because this descent is a compendium of small and large slides, jumps and rappels. It is the sportiest canyon or the sensational canyon that we offer in the Pyrénées-Orientales.

However, there are also aquatic hikes (no abseiling) such as Galamus canyoning, which is an ideal canyon for children and for discovering the activity.

Hydrospeed Quillan

The hydrospeed Aude or whitewater swimming is a single-seater float, it is unsinkable because it is made of foam. Immersed in the river and supervised by a guide, you will descend the rapids of the Aude using different navigation techniques (ferry, resumption of current, stop…). On certain routes, more or less large waves or static rollers will allow you to go surfing like on the waves of the ocean.


The climbing is located in the Aude or in the Pyrénées Orientales depending on the climatic conditions. Climbing on large routes up to 200 meters high and also indoors.

Rafting in Axat

Rafting is an inflatable boat that can accommodate up to 8 people. An experienced instructor will guide you through the rapids of the Aude. The rafting and hydrospeed courses are located where the slope is steepest between Axat and Quillan.

The Aude, the river is one of the most beautiful and turbulent in the French Pyrenees

Canoe kayak Aude

Canoes and kayaks are one to two person boats. They cannot sink because they are inflatable, however the kayak or canoe can overturn (desalinate in kayaker’s jargon). On the Aude you will find sections of rivers suitable for everyone, with or without rapids. The St Georges gorges for beginners and the Pierre Lys rapids for the more athletic. Most of the services are supervised by an instructor to be able to improve and to go down the rapids of the Aude in safety. The Aude also allows you to choose canoe rental on a calmer course such as the gorges of the Ardèche.

Aude whitewater activities

For starters, rafting, hydrospeed, whitewater swimming and canoeing can be found in Axat sur l’Aude. Finally, our base is very comfortable because it is equipped with WCs, showers, picnic tables and changing rooms.

Via ferrata Pyrenees Orientales

The via ferrata like climbing, on a marked and delimited course. The ascent is made easier because rungs are anchored in the rock. You will be safe throughout the course because you will be attached to a lifeline fixed all along. Courses suitable for everyone, children but also sporty adults.

Via corda Aude

The via corda is a mix of via ferrata and canyoning in a canyon without water. It will be necessary to mix different techniques such as abseiling, zip line to descend the canyon.

The Pyrenees canyons

First of all, the canyons of the Languedoc Roussillon region are located in the south. This is why we work in the Pyrénées Orientales 66 and the Aude 11. We are more or less two hours from Toulouse and 1 hour from Perpignan and Carcassonne. You can meet us in Axat, where our whitewater base is located and you can contact us by phone at 06 52 63 36 43 or by email at canyoning.po@gmail.com.

Canyoning Carcassonne

We chose the two best canyons because of their slides, jumps, rappels… These two canyons are easy routes. The Clue de Terminet in Termes in the Aude is ideal for starting abseiling. There is also the canyon of Galamus in St Paul de Fenouillet meanwhile is on the border of P-O and Aude. This easy canyon is an aquatic hike with no abseiling but jumps up to 7 meters (no jumps are compulsory).

Canyoning Perpignan

Finally in the Eastern Pyrenees is one of the most playful canyons in France, the Llech canyon (pronounced “yek”). It is a series of jumps, slides up to 8 meters and abseiling. Le Llech is located in Prades Pyrénées Orientales. In conclusion, we reserve this canyon for the most athletic and for those looking for thrills.

There is also the canyon of Anelles in Céret Pyrénées Orientales. The Anelles canyoning takes place as follows: rappel of 25 meters, then its jumps up to 8 meters and finally a toboggan. In conclusion, this descent is of intermediate difficulty for those who want a canyon that is not too difficult.