06 52 63 36 43 canyoning.po@gmail.com
canyon llech

Canyoning Llech

Welcome to the Canigou massif to enjoy one of the best French courses. Llech canyoning is a sporting course.

Canyoning toboggan

The Llech canyon is the course in the Pyrénées Orientales with the most slides. The best known are: the ejectable slide, the washing machine, the zebulon…). Come and take a maximum of sensation with the canyoning slides of the Pyrenees Orientales in Prades. Video here

Canyon Llech

Here is a summary of the topography of the Llech canyon: it will take you 20 minutes of walking over difficult terrain to access the river. From there we will equip ourselves with neoprene suits, harnesses and helmets. After a safety briefing, the serious things can begin. You will descend a succession of small and large toboggans of jumps and abseils. Arrived at the bottom of the Llech canyon, you will have to walk 30 minutes to go back to the car park.

Canyoning Llech is the sensational canyon of the Pyrénées Orientales. It is ideal for EVG or EVJF.

Please note that Llech canyoning is a sporting descent reserved for initiates or sports people. Otherwise you can opt for an easier canyon at the Gorges de Galamus.

Canyon Pyrenees Orientales

The Llech canyon has its source in the Canigou massif in the Pyrénées-Orientales. This mountain culminates at 2784 meters. The supply of the Llech canyon is rain-snow which makes it a cold canyon in spring and temperate during summer. Its length is about 15 kilometers and ends its course in the Lantilla which itself flows into the Têt to finish in the Mediterranean Sea in the town of Canet en Roussillon.

Canyoning Prades

Commune of the Pyrénées-Orientales are postal code is 66500. Charming little town in the Catalan hinterland, it will offer you many accommodations, camping, lodges… Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.